Uncle Earle's account of 'Thornton' ancestry.
          Earle Clark Thornton, Maj. U S Army retired, was born 3/6/1873 at Danville, Il. The original of this document was prepared by him as means to verify his qualification to be listed among the 'Sons of the Revolution'. The extent of this work accomplished by him is unknown, but the date of his death in 1951 indictates that his research was prior to that.  
        It is my understanding S.Watson Thornton (b. 1903) updated this account prior to  the year 1978, inasmuch as the latest dated entry is that of the marriage of Stephen Scott Pyle, 8/5/1978.

       As a result of research by Joan (Powell) Jackson, grandaughter of Earle Clark Thornton, some discreancies do exist in the following pages. As I recall most, if not all, the errors relate to the earliest years of these documents. Her research points to the following errors concerning individuals and/or source of corrective data:
               I (one) page - error concerning "Samuel Watson Thornton & Mary Simonton"
SWT & Mary Simonton               
               2 (two) pages - a "Family Bible" which points to correct data
Family Bible
             29 (twenty nine) pages of - "Rocky Springs Session" book adds clarity
Session Book
               6 (six) pages - by Minerva Thornton Bickell, 1907, relative to "samuel1712"
Minerva Thornton Bickell account - 1907

(the links are inactive at this time, 2-11-2023)

JB & Eliza, their siblings and children     1-a

   (their) grandchildren and great-grandchidren    1-b
 continued     1-c

continued 1-d 

Ancestry of Earle Clark Thornton and JB & Eliza (Thorpe) Thornton   3-a

continued to - James, Soldier in Revolution  3-b

All "Thornton" data on 3-c is questionable, given the findings suggested to this point.

continued to - William, 1646       3-c

1st entry - William, b-12/20/1717,   m.Jane Clark (parents of James, b-1743)
(the correct account has James, b. 1743, being the son of Samuel Watson Thornton, b. 1712 in Clare Co., Ireland)

Note on research to clarify ancestry, by Dan Thornton

Chas. H and Mattie Gash, their children and grandchildren  2-a

  (their) grandchildren and great-grandchildren 2-b

Ancestry of Chas H and Mattie (Bennett) Gash 4-a

continued to John Cogburn, 1745   4-b