first, a note about Bernadine Bailey (Mrs. Paul) Mellow

        Bernadine is placed on the list of “family” members because of her influence in our lives. She had known our grandfather, JBT, since he moved to St Louis. That was 1927 and she was 5 years old.

        During her late teen years she was active in the “School” being developed in the Ozark foothills on land provided by Hugo Wurdack under the management of Hope Church where grandpa was pastor. 

        She tells the story of “hitching a ride” with grandpa (the Rev J B Thornton) who, along with L E Maxwell (President and founder of Prairie Bible Institute) were driving from St. Louis to Tadmor.  She explains how she sat in the backseat listening to these two talk of God’s work in their lives and ministries. I wish her stories were recorded.

        Much of her life is documented in the book “He Brought Me Through”, by her late husband, Paul Mellow.

        …. From page 70 & 71 we read Paul’s words

         I marvel at the graciousness of the Lord in how He taught me even as He supplied my

needs. Although I had steady work, I failed to manage my money, and when it came time to

return to Prairie, I went on a proverbial shoestring. I remember writing to a girl I had met in St.

Louis and was delighted when she wrote back, but when I wanted to write her again I was

reluctant to spend the money for postage. My total financial assets came to seven cents. Then

one day I received a notice that there was a postcard waiting for me at the post office, with five

cents postage due. When I retrieved the card for which I had to pay my precious five cents, I

read the card: “What’s wrong? Did you break your arm?” the card was signed by the girl in St.

Louis. Now I had only two cents to my name, and the postage would be three cents! Yes, the

Lord was trying to teach me common sense, but I was a slow learner. In fact I would not learn

how to handle my finances until I married the young lady who would be my teacher.  

         In the spring of my junior year, 1937, Mr. Maxwell invited the Rev. J. B. Thornton of St.

Louis, to be the speaker at the Spring Conference. Through him the Lord led me to Hope

Congregational Church, and that contact would once again change the course of my life.

        With missionary service in China in mind, I visited a doctor while attending Prairie, and he

strongly recommended that I spend two or three years on a farm to build up my body. Mr.

Thornton told me about a rugged 430-acre farm in the Missouri Ozarks that Mr. Wurdack, a

member of Hope Church, had bought with the idea of using it as a training ground for young

people who aimed to go into the Lord's service. The name of the farm was Tadmor, taken from

1st Kings .........


FYI: February, 2022
       "He Brought Me Through" was and is published here in .pdf format     . In moving,  or in editing,  the links directing to the "next chapter" are no longer active? I fail in having knowledge to delete or correct same.
Sorry, Sam Jr.


Auto-biography - "HE Brought Me Through"

"  This is my personal testimony concerning the way God has led me from my birth, childhood in Northern China, my schooling at the China Inland Mission in Chefoo, China, and Prairie Bible Institute in Canada and further personal training in St. Louis, where he blessed me with a wonderful wife and family.

It includes youth camp work in the Ozarks, and pastoring in seven churches - in southern Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, northern Illinois and New Mexico.

In every situation, even when I have stumbled,
HE brought me through!"

Chapter 1 - Prologue
Why this book?
Page 1

Part I, Early Preparation - "Ankle-Deep Water"      (Ezekial 47:3)             

Chapter 2
Page 5
Chapter 3
My Father, 1880-1954
Page 9
Chapter 4
Mother, 1880-1963
Chapter 5
Chefoo Schools, 1924-1934
Page 23
Chapter 6
Christmas Holidays
Page 33
Chapter 7
Whats Next?
Page 41

Part II, Further Preparation - "Knee-Deep Water"        (Ezekial 47: 4a)

Chapter 8
Prairie Bible Institute
Page 49
Chapter 9
Testing - Tadmor, 1938-1942
Page 57
Chapter 10
Testing - St Louis, 1943-1949
Page 61

Part III, Youth Camp Work
"Through water that was up to the waist"   (Ezek. 47:4b - NIV)

Chapter 11
Director - Tadmor, 1949-1953
Page 68
Chapter 12
Side-tracked, Jan-Mar, 1954
Page 75

Part IV, The Pastorate
"  The water ... was deep enough to swim in"   (Ezek. 47: 5 - NIV)

Chapter 13, Starting Again
McClure, Il. June '54 - Feb. '58
Page 80
Chapter 14
Hillsdale, Ok. 1958-1956
Page 87
Chapter 15
St. Joseph, Mo. 1966-1975
Page 99
Chapter 16
New Life Bookstore 1975-76
Page 109
Chapter 17
Woodstock Bible Church 1977
Page 117
Chapter 18
Carlsbad Bible Church.1978-1984
Page 125
Chapter 19
SW Bible Church Mission. 1981-89
Page 131
Chapter 20
Yes, He Brought Me Through!
Page 135
Chapter 21
Approaching the Goal
Page 140


Program shared at Celebration of Paul's (earthly) life.





first published (by Sam Jr) 3-27-2011, in connection with "Tadmor History"