Greene County, Illinois METCALF-METCALFE
The Carrollton Gazette'

July 21, 1883-   Representative Men---  Richard J. Metcalf---
   This worthy gentleman was born in Hopkins County, Kentucky  Aug. 1, 1817 and was next to the youngest of a family of 9 children of William and Elizabeth Metcalf.
   He rained. his early education in the rough lop, 'school houses of Kentucky, similar to many other educational institutions
of an early day, where huge cracks between the logs served for ventilators and windows and the heating apparatus
was a fireplace, which engaged I entire end of the building. The seats were made up of poplar logs, split open and
the flat side turned. up. Such were the accommodations in his school. days, with the exception of a few months when
he attended school in Fayette, Greene County, Illinois.
In the snri_ng of 1835 he, with his, parents, moved. to I1_linois and located in the western part of Macoupin County. Here he resided until_ his marriage on Sept. 6, 1838 to Miss Mary J. Buchanan, who was born. in Bourbon County, Kentucky on. Aug.. 26, 1823 and, with her parents,  had preceded Mr. Metcalf's emigration to Illinois by 2 years, locating about 5 miles northeast of Greenfield.
    Mr. Metcalf  began farming on his, own accord` in the sxirinp of 1839 in Barr township, Ma:coupin County, 4 miles east of Greenfield.
    Settlements at that time- were few, and far between end his post office address was Carrollton. This' would seem at the
present time a monstrous distance (18 miles) for one to have to go after his mail.
    This gentleman has spent his life in an honorable occupation, that of tilling the. soil, and resided on the same premises and resided in the same building (with  additions and. improvements excepted) ever since he was married until the 13th day of last` December, when he moved to Greenfield, where he will. soon engage' in the banking business with Mr. Jaspar Johnson.
    Mr. Metcalf is the' father  of 10 children:
          Josephine, the oldest daughter, is the wife of L. M. Peebles, a prosperous farmer near Chesterfield';
          Narcissa, the wife of  E. A. Belknap, who with Richard L., his brother-in-law', is engaged in one of the most
prosperous mercantile dry goods' businesses in. the County, being located in Greenfield;
          Livonia and James were taken away from this world when infants to enjoy a' brighter abode;
          George B, is engaged in a prosperous and extensive business in Greenfield:
          John M. died in 1869 at the age of 19', loved by all his young comrades and mourned for by his 'parents-,  who were' very much devoted to a young and talented son;.
          Eleanor, wife of  F. A. Ellis, son. of Captain Ellis, and 1 of the prosperous farmers and stock raisers of Greene County, living a bout 6 miles- northeast of. Greenfield';
          Ebert K., a member of the firm of  Greenfield, Calloway, Metcalf and Woolley,  engaged in the hardware and implement business ;
          Ralph, the youngest son and 1of the promising young men of Greenfield,  resides with his parents and will soon be connected with his father and Mr. Johnson in the banking business.
   In. Mr.  Metcalf's political views he has always been quiet, yet stern;  he cast his first vote for Gen. Harrison in 1840 and when the Whig party went down he joined the Republican and has ever since acted. with that party.
   When we speak of Mr.  Metcalf we are' prompted, by a long acquaintance and know him to be  an honest and honorable man, a' loving and kind father end husband.', esteemed' by wife, children', and all who know him.  He may look on his past life- and his family  with pride and his present., condition, financia.liy and morally and socially,  assures- him of a, comfortable, luxuriousm, and happy future.