Merrill B. Metcalf
Merrill Buchanan Metcalf, 80, of Hollywood, Calif. died Thursday, August 18. He had been in failing health, but his
death was unexpected.
He was born September 1, 1886, the son of Ralph and Elizabeth Rives Metcalf. He attended Greenfield schools and
was graduated from Culver Military Academy in Indiana and also attended the University of Illinois. On Sept. 8,
1907 he married the former Lennie Lea Amos of Greenfield.
His early business years were spent in Greenfield as an officer of the First National Bank. In 1935 Mr. Metcalf moved
to Los Angeles where he was associated with the Banc of America from which he retired in 1953.
Mr. Metcalf was a grandson of early pioneers of Greene and Macoupin counties. His maternal great grandfather,
the Rev. James Rives was an early Methodist Circuit Rider, who came to Illinois from North Carolina and in addition
to being a local preacher was engaged in farming and in the mercantile business. He and his son, Judge John Hood
Rives established Rivesville in 1834 southeast of Greenfield. His paternal grandfather was Richard Jones Metcalf who
came to Illinois from Kentucky.
He is survived by his widow, who resides at 1223 Greenacre Ave., Hollywood, one son, Rear Admiral Ralph Marion
Metcalf, USN Retired of Saratoga, Calif., granddaughter, Mrs. Jack Murray Seymoure Jr., (Marshall Lea Metcalf) who
resides in West Berlin, Germany, one sister, Mrs. K. T. Smith of Greenfield and a niece and nephew.
Services were held at the Wilshire Methodist Church, Los Angeles. Burial is pending at the Oak Wood cemetery,