Betty Silvey research
  ...James Love Metcalf-1820...

James L. b 31 May 1820 Hopkins Co., KY; m Elizabety/Eliza Peter May 1848, dau of Simon Peter.  From Bio: James was the youngest of a family of the nine children of William and Elizabeth Jones.  When he was ffifteen years old the family moved to Illinois and settled on section 31 of township 11, range 9, where James lived out his life.  The log-house weather-boarded with clap boards had been previously built by John Markham, one of the pioneer settlers of Barr twnshp. After James's father and mother died they were buried in a private burying ground on the farm.  James' opportunities for a good education were also not available.  After arriving in Illinois, he attended school in Fayette, about two miles distant in Greene County, and subsequently, when the settlements became numerous enough, some schools were started in the neighborhood where he lived.  As soon as he became twenty-one years of age, he went to farming for himself.  In May 1848 he married Eliza Peter, dau of Simon Peter.  For a period of forty-four years James lived on the same spot, a circumstaance which can be     said of comparatively few men in Macoupin County.  He owned three hundred acres of land lying in sections 30 and 31 of Barr township.  In 1872 he erected a handsome frame dwelling, which with its surroundings, made a most attractive farm residence.  James and Eliza had eight children.  The oldest daughter, Albina E. died when just reaching the age of womanhood.  Lenora S. married Dr. Frank 'B. Clement of Brighton.  Harriet L. married Dr. Henry Frank Martin of Greenfield.  Edward P., the oldest son, married Maggie V. Sheffield and had a mercantile business at Greenfield.  The other children were Mary L "Minnie" b 1858, Emma b 1860; d 1944, Irene and Charles J., b 1866; d 1940 married Edith Orr. James, too, was a member of the Whig party and voted for Henry Clay for president when Clay made his last unsucessful race for the presidency against James K. Polk in 1844.  Later he joined the Republican party.

vi.    Mary 1777-1852
vii.    Isaac b 6 Feb 1779;
viii    Elizabeth b 4 Mar 1781;
ix..    Grace b 8 Jul 1783; and
x.    Norris b 8 Feb 1786
xi.    Jacob Braselston b 23 Feb 1789.