David Vander Plaats research
--- James Hardin Thorpe ---
You may be interested to know that I found out a little bit about James
Hardin Thorpe (and yes, that does seem to be his name), the oldest son
of J. Martin Thorpe and Louisa Bibb. He was born 9 July 1848 in
Rockbridge, Greene Co., IL. On 3 October 1871 he married Mary Virginia
Bowman (born 1 May 1852 in Greene Co.; died 16 December 1874 in
Rockbridge) in Rockbridge, IL. They had two children: Martin Thorpe,
born 6 December 1871, died 7 May 1875, both in Rockbridge; and Bertha
Virginia Thorpe, born 29 July 1872 in Rockbridge, died 31 March 1960 in
Monrovia, Los Angeles, CA. She is buried in Oakwood Cemetery in
Rubicon. I suspect she is the Bertha Thorpe who is mentioned in Ebert
K. Metcalf's obituary that you have posted on sonton.com. She was
adopted by Ebert and Mariah after her mother died in 1874. By the way,
James Hardin, his wife Mary Virginia Bowman and their son Martin are
all buried in Hardin Cemetery in Linder, Greene Co. I have no idea
where that is, but you may know. I find it interesting that he is
buried in Hardin Cemetery, since that is a name that comes up in the
Thorpe line. Maybe that is a clue?